Greenville, SC Landscaping Contractor
4 Sidney St, Greenville, SC
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New Pool Deck and Complete Front and Backyard Renovation

This is one of the projects where even the before pictures don't accurately represent where we started on this job.  We were called to view this yard on a very wet winter day in 2019.  If you are familiar with Rockingham Rd in Greenville, you know that it is all essentially just a hill that leads down to the Reedy River on one side and a large creek on the other.  Our customer's yard is towards the bottom of the hill.  So they are getting water from several different yards above them.  When we first visited there was a literal river of water running directly to their back door from the backyard.  There is a nearly 50' elevation change from the backyard line to the road.  It was a lot to tackle:

  1. Remove about 40 full growth pine trees
  2. Demo existing walls, walkways, and old concrete patio
  3. Regrade the backyard to help with the slope
  4. Implement a series of dry creek beds, drains, and the largest drainage pipes we have ever used on a residential yard
  5. Add irrigation
  6. Plant new privacy trees
  7. Build the yard back to level with finger boulders as retaining walls
  8. Add new grass, plants, and mulch to help absorb some of the water flow
  9. Add new fescue sod
  10. Prepare the base and lay pavers around the pool

And all of that is just the backyard!  The front yard had more of the same.  This may not be the most expensive project we have ever installed, but it did require the most time and expertise to get correct.  We didn't dig the pool, but we did absolutely everything else you see in the photos.